Thursday, January 23, 2014

pardon the cough

I'm fighting a cold/cough combo over here - so sorry for the break in regular posting. I've been marathoning Jennifer Lopez movies (on accident) and staying in my pajamas as long as possible. I've also been finding cough drop wrappers everywhere - the simple joys of being sick.

I remember when Jonathan and I first got married I would always brag about how I had never really been sick with a cough. Plenty of cases of strep throat and a few terrible colds, sure. But never a hacking, wheezing cough where all you can do is beg for mercy and hope that you don't cough so hard that you pee your pants.
And then our first winter as a married couple showed up and we were both hit with the worst coughs ever (and I'm not even hyperbolizing...I'm pretty sure it's a recorded fact that they were the worst coughs ever). They lasted for a good 3 weeks - if not longer. Note to self:  Don't brag about anything ever again.

What do you do to make your colds less crappy? And more importantly - are there any miraculous cough remedies I need to know about?


  1. A cup of hot water with: a splash of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey, a clove of minced garlic, a sprinkle (or as much as you can handle) of cayenne pepper, and 2 tablespoons of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. At first, it's really hard to get down, but I promise it's worth it. It helps sore throats, and sinus infections as well. Don't drink it on an empty stomach. I usually drink this when I feel something coming on, as well as a dose of Herb Pharm's Immune Defense Tonic daily, and I rarely get sick. If I do, it rarely lasts longer than a day or two. And I have children sneezing into my mouth and using my shirt as their personal Kleenex daily.

    Take a super hot bath, and get a towel in the bath with you, very wet, hang it around your head and breath deeply.

    Zinc tablets, and other lozenges.

    A heating pad or hot water bottle on your chest.

    1. This is awesomely detailed. I'm totally trying these things.
      Thanks, Madigan. ;)
