Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reading Corner #1: Memoirs of a Geisha

Here's a new thing that I wanted to start in 2014 on The Mermaid's Hair:  Reading Corner!
I know it sounds like a dorky Kindergarten activity, but I've been reading A LOT of books lately and have loved reading ever since I was a little girl. And just as having some kick-a nail polish and sassy shoes can make an impression - so can having interesting things to talk about. Books are perfect for this.
I wanted to start off this series with some of my very favorite books. My most recent read is also one of my favorite books to re-read every year or so.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
image via goodreads

I've always found Japanese culture really interesting and I feel like this book does a really good job at showing the culture and life of geisha, but I am always so surprised that it is a fiction novel written by a man!
The story of love can only be beat by the story of hope as you are told about the life of Sayuri.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone...and then you can watch the movie! (Another favorite of mine.)

I'm always up for new book recommendations - what have you guys been reading?

If you want to see other books I'm reading or want to show me what you guys have been reading, you can follow me on goodreads here.

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